The reputation management system is designed to increase the number of good reviews for a company and decrease the number of bad reviews.
Each company gets it's own review funnel which is completely customizable from within our system.
The reputation management system is made up of the following pieces
- Funnel - landing page that sends bad reviews to a feedback page and good reviews to the actual review site.
- Review Sites - this is where you add the list of sites you would like reviewers to be presented with.
- Drip Settings - the drip settings allow you to set the timings as well as the content for each review request email that is sent out.
- Feedback Area - for users that choose a review grade less than the threshold setting they will be sent to the feedback page where they can communicate their dissatisfaction without leaving a public review.
- Notifications - choose who gets notified for the various different events that can happen, such as a review being posted or feedback being submitted.
- Dashboard - get a summary overview of review performance for the various properties added for each company.