Zapier Overview

Lead Generated Zapier Integration

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What is Zapier?

Zapier is a third-party company, that integrates with more than 2,000 different applications and can extend the functionality of Lead Generated in many directions. To get started you must have a Zapier account, you can sign up here:  Zapier works on triggers for events. So the basic is, you create an action or a series of actions that happen when a certain event is triggered. It’s a very powerful system, you can use conditional logic, make exceptions, do calculations. If you want to do something where there is predictable data there is a good chance that Zapier can automate the process for you.

  • Zapier is the glue that connects thousands of web apps.
  • Zaps are workflows that connect your apps, so they can work together.
  • Zaps start with a trigger—an event in one of your apps that kicks off your workflow.
  • Zaps automate tasks in the background.


A Zap is an automated workflow between your apps. For example, you may have a Zap that saves your Gmail attachments to Dropbox and another Zap that saves emails that you star in Gmail to a text file. Zaps consist of at least two parts: a trigger and one or more actions.


A trigger is an event in an app that starts the Zap. Once you set up a Zap, Zapier will monitor the app for that event. For the save Gmail attachments to Dropbox example, you can receive a lot of emails through your Gmail account, but the Zap isn’t triggered until an email contains an attachment.


An action is the event that completes the Zap. For the save Gmail attachments to Dropbox example, the action is uploading the attachment from your email to Dropbox.

Lead Management Overview

The lead management module is the most extensive module within Lead Generated. It is responsible for connecting Lead Generated to your websites as well as the integration with the phone system.

This module provides a broad array of powerful and customizable reports and filters. You can view all your companies or clients at once or the associated client or company level dashboard for each. The all leads screen puts all your leads in one place and allows you to apply filters and view your data based on what you decide is important.

There a lot of moving parts and there a few things that you will want to set up before you get started with things. If you are just getting started with this module it is recommended that you go through the Lead Management getting started section.


Companies are created to track the leads for each of your websites. So for example, say you have that you would like to track leads for called ABC Towing. To get started you would create a company called ABC Towing within Lead Generated. Next, connect your website and phone system to this company as well as assign your company a client.

The company settings page will allow you to control if leads are manually or auto-forwarded to your clients as well as which calls should automatically be considered leads.  For each company (or website), you can decide what information you would like to save on the leads that come into our system. This is done through what we call website forms which is just a simple form that gathers lead information.


A client is your client that is most likely and hopefully paying for the leads or SEO service that you are providing. As leads flow through our system they are tracked and forwarded to your clients based on the associated client and company settings.

Website Forms

A website form is a form that saves information about your incoming leads into our system. To ensure the form submission from your website goes into the correct places in our system it is important to map the fields in your associated website form with the website fields.  You can re-use the same form for all your companies or create a new one for each of your companies. These forms are completely customizable using our form builder and it is not necessary to have all the fields within your website form on the form on your website.

The fields that you create in your website forms are the same fields that are available in the columns and filters on the various leads pages, such as the “all leads page”, “company dashboard”, “client dashboard”.

Lead Flow

As leads flow from your website to your client whether through a form submission or a phone call Lead Generated will play a different role.  Check out the Lead Flow guide to help you understand how this works so you can optimize things for your specific needs.


There are many ways that leads can flow into our system from form submissions to phone calls, emails, or a custom integration through a Zapier connection. For many of these such as form submissions, there is a constant battle with people spamming us or selling our services. Lead Generated has gone a long way to automate dealing with these people. For form submissions, we have created some very powerful and customizable spam filters. For the phone calls we have the qualified call settings which are available within the company settings screen.

Website Connection (Form Submissions)

It is important to get your form submissions coming into our system for many reasons. This connection allows you to take advantage of our powerful reporting and filters. You can view leads by client, by company, or using any other combination of the fields you have created on your website forms.  Making the connection to your website is fast and simple and we have step by step guides for both WordPress and Weebly. If your website is using a different platform form or landing page software you can most likely connect it by using our Zapier Integration.

CallSling Connection

Connecting your CallSling account allows you to get a full view of how your lead generation website is performing.  Your CallSling companies map to your Lead Generated companies providing you with powerful reports, filtering and dashboards to analyze your data. As calls come into your CallSling account they are pulled into our system. By default, these calls are not added as leads as they arrive. We didn’t want the spam phone calls to water down the lead count so the calls are held in a separate area (All Calls) within our system. If you prefer to have all these calls added as leads as they come or only some based on some rules you created you and do that by taking advantage of the qualified call filters which can be found under the company settings.

Lead Management Getting Started

  1. Lead Flow
  2. Create a Company
  3. Create a Client
  4. Connect WordPress
  5. Connect Weebly
  6. Send a Test Message
  7. Connect CallSling
  8. Spam Filters
  9. Company Settings
  10. Account Settings
  11. Form Builder


The Reputation module is responsible for requesting, maintaining and managing client feedback once they have completed a job for your leads. In essence, it is designed to increase the number of positive reviews and decrease the number of negative reviews for each company you have listed in Lead Generated.

In order to utilise this section of Lead Generated, you must first ensure you have a Company setup and activated. If you have not already done this you can follow the create a company support guide. Whilst Lead Management does flow into the Reputation module for future leads, you do not need this setup initially as you can manually add request reviews using a leads email address.

Step by Step Guide

On the left hand navigational menu, click on “Reputation”. This will reveal all the components available in the module for you to manage your reviews. Below each component is given a brief description with a link to a more detailed support guide.

All Companies

This section is where all the companies you have created in the Add New Company settings setup section are listed for use in the  Reputation module. Before you are able to use this module, you will need to activate the company using one of your Reputation credits.

The data shown is a high-level overview of the number of connected review sites, what those sites are (e.g Google), how many reviews each company has, the last time a review was left, and the average review rating. If your company is activated, you will have a “View” button in the far right-hand column. Clicking this will take you to the Dashboard.


This section provides a number of widgets that relate to the remaining sections in the Reputation navigational menu and provides a snapshot of the company’s reputation status. Each widget has a “View All >” in the top right hand corner. Clicking on this will take you to the corresponding navigational menu option for that widget. So if you click on View All on the Reviews Summary widget it will take you to the “Reviews” section from the menu. There is also a “∧” in the top right hand corner. Clicking this will minimise that particular widget from view. You can maximise it again by clicking the “X” that appears.

To learn more about how to use the widgets and data overview follow the detailed “Reputation Dashboard” support guide


The Funnel section is engine that drives the Reputation module. Here you can create the look and feel for the review requests and also configure how bad reviews are managed. You can choose between stars, faces and thumbs up/down. Good reviews can be passed directly to your public review sites, e.g. Google; Facebook or a custom site of your choosing. Bad reviews can be directed to the Feedback component. This prevents negative reviews being made public and impacting your external reputation but also allows you to direct these to the client so they can respond and address the reason for the bad review.

To learn how to configure the look and feel as well as the management of good and bad review, follow one these detailed support guides:


This section enables you to look at all reviews that have been submitted by your leads and reply to them in the Reviews section. You can even edit a reply once it has been sent. It is good practice to acknowledge a review as makes your leads feel like you are providing a personal touch and their opinion matters, they will remember that you commented. This may influence them in recommending your company to others and also coming back for potential repeat business.

To learn more about how to manage your reviews and send review request, follow the detailed “Reputation Reviews” support guide.

Review Requests

This section allows you send review requests and manage those invitations. All you need is a name and an email address and your lead is sent an invitation, configured in the Funnel and Email sections, to provide a review on the services they received. If necessary, you can delete an invitation as well.

To learn more about how to manage and send review request, follow the detailed “Reputation Review Requests” support guide.


This section is simply an overview of all the negative feedback received from your leads. At present there is little functionality in this section other than to delete the feedback or a link to edit the company details.


This section is where you can configure how negative feedback is managed once received. You can set up one or more email addresses for the feedback to be automatically forwarded on to. This ensures that you client can take action to mitigate and rectify, if possible, the leads experience with a view to returning a positive review instead.

To learn more about how to automate notification management, follow the detailed “Reputation Notifications” support guide.


This section is used to create, automate or manually send either single or email drip campaigns requesting reviews from your leads. You can setup scheduled emails to remind leads to complete a review if they have not responded to the initial request. You can configure the Subject Line and Body of the Email for each one sent. Additionally you can setup the email SMTP settings for each company so that the requests, and follow ups, are sent from a recognised company email and not the Lead Generated system, which is the default.

To learn more about how to create email drip campaigns and configure each company’s, follow the detailed “Reputation Email” support guide.

Additional Reference Support Guides

Add a New Company

Lead Management Overview

Lead Flow

This article explains the role Lead Generated plays in the lead flow from your websites to the point it arrives at your clients. As this is a cornerstone to the lead management module it is worth taking a few minutes to understand how this works.

Lead Flow Overview Video

In this tutorial, we show you how to create a lead flow for your site so that visitors on your website are able to connect directly to your client directly. Once you’ve connected your site to Lead Generated, you can then create a flow that enables visitors to connect directly to your end clients using Lead Generated as the middle man or conductor that’s never seen throughout this process.

Benefits of connecting your website to Lead Generated:

  • All-in-one dashboard acts as a home for tracking traffic from all sources, lead activity, information, and analyzing useful data instantly giving you real-time lead updates, how well your site is performing in real-time and in the past
  • Spam Filters completely eliminate the non-stop annoying messages from spammers giving you an accurate count on which calls are leads and which are spam making the All-in-one feature possible so you don’t have to manually check which messages are legitimate opportunities and which are spam

In the diagram shown above, you’ll notice there are two arms. These arms represent the choice for which call to action is most convenient for the visitor, a phone call, or submitting a form. Both arms have the same end goal, to connect the visitor to your client.

  1. The first and most common mode of communication is phone calls. Having a phone call as an option allows the visitor to speak directly to your client to make their experience as seamless as possible. The other option is to take the calls yourself or through your agency to ensure your clients are speaking to a qualified lead. You can input information about the lead gathered from the call by adding the lead into the Lead Intake Form in Lead Generated.
  2. The second mode is having your site visitors submit a form. In this case, rather than calling your client directly, the visitor has the option to submit a form with the following information: the visitor’s contact information, service inquiry, and other notes which is evaluated by Lead Generated whether it is an opportunity or a spam. Once it’s past the spam filter, the visitor’s inquiry is sent directly to your client.

Embed Form

Google is incorrectly identifying our embedded form as malicious software which can cause your ads to be suspended. Please refrain from using our Embedded Forms with Google Ads until we have a resolution.
Sorry for the inconvenience, we are working hard to get this resolved ASAP. For now, the workaround is using this Zapier Connection.
Sincerely, Lead Generated Support Team

This guide is an overview of the embed form option. The process is pretty simple, first, you build and customize a form within Lead Generated. Next, you copy a small piece of code and it onto your website. Wherever you paste the code that is where your form will appear. This creates a direct connection to Lead Generated. As users fill out the form on your website their submissions will be available immediately within our system.

Video Overview

Benefits of the Embed Form Option

  • Can work with any type of website
  • Quick and easy to set up
  • No software conflicts with Google Ads
  • Allows country-level IP address filtering
  • Form submissions instantly available within Lead Generated

Website Forms

Before we dive into the embed form option, it is necessary to have a good understanding of website forms. We will cover it briefly here but it is recommended that you read through the website forms documentation to gain a solid understanding of the role they play within the lead management module and how they relate to embedded forms.

Every company has an associated website form. When you first created your company you were given a choice of which form to use. You can create, edit, or change the website form at any time. Your website form is composed of fields, these fields align with the fields on your website. For each new field that you create on a website form, it creates a column, similar to a column on a spreadsheet to store values from your website. These columns are able to searched, filtered, sorted, and used in reports throughout the lead management module. It is recommended to reuse the same fields in different forms whenever possible.

The website form associated with your company is the starting point of your embedded form. From the edit form page, you can customize the visibility of the fields as well as the types of fields and their options. The integrations page will allow you to further control the behavior of the embedded form and styling through the use of custom HTML or CSS.

Step by Step Guide


Creating an Embed Code

You will first need to go to the Integrations module in the left-hand navigational menu. Click on Settings, this will expand and provide you further options. Then click on Integrations and you will see a screen similar to the one below.

Click on the EMBED FORM button on the Embed box. This will take you to the Create Embed Code screen

You need to first select the Company you wish to create an embed code key for. Click on the dropdown arrow at the far right hand side of the Company field.

This will present you with a list of all the companies you have setup. Scroll down to the one you want and select it.

With the company selected you will now need to click the Submit button to create a new embed code key.

A dialog box will pop up offering you three options. This is where you choose how the site should respond to the customer once they have completed and submitted your form.

The Redirect URL allows you to the page you would like to send users to have they submit a form, such as a thank you page.

For something more simple, the Success Message will simply display the text you enter here in place of the form when they have submitted it.

You only can add ONE of these options. You must not only complete the field but click on the option you want to use so that you have a blue circle next to it.

If you do not select any of the options, or you skip this part, the system will provide you with a generic “Thank you for Submitting” message.

For the purposes of this support guide, we will use the Success Message.

Finally, for those code gurus out there, you have the option of adding some HTML and CSS to further customize the style of the form.

When you click on the Save button you will then be presented with a Create Embed Code pop up screen. This will have your newly created embed code key and instructions on how to use it.

Click on the Copy Script button will put the script into your system clipboard. It will also display a “Script copied Successfully!” message underneath the script window.

Embedding Code in Site

Now you have created the form and the embed script, you need to add it to your site.


Scroll down the tools in the left hand side until you find the “</> Embed Code” widget. Drag this onto your page. Clicking on it will bring up the Custom HTML options. Select “Edit Custom HTML”, this will enable you to add the embed code you created earlier.

Paste the embed script from your form into the script area and click outside of the box. This will save the editing and connect to the Lead Generated system and fetch the form you created.

Don’t forget to Save or Publish your changes so you don’t lose them.


Click on Pages and select the page you want to embed the form on.

Select the “Text” tab and paste the embed form code into the text field.

Finally Click on the “Save Draft”, “Save as Pending” or “Update” button, depending what state your current page is in development, to make sure you don’t lose the changes.

Click on Preview and you will now be presented with your page displaying the new embedded form.

This guide is an overview of the embed form option. The process is pretty simple, first, you build and customize a form within Lead Generated. Next, you copy a small piece of code and it onto your website. Wherever you paste the code that is where your form will appear. This creates a direct connection to Lead Generated. As users fill out the form on your website their submissions will be available immediately within our system.

Video Overview

Benefits of the Embed Form Option

  • Can work with any type of website
  • Quick and easy to set up
  • No software conflicts with Google Ads
  • Allows country-level IP address filtering
  • Form submissions instantly available within Lead Generated

Website Forms

Before we dive into the embed form option, it is necessary to have a good understanding of website forms. We will cover it briefly here but it is recommended that you read through the website forms documentation to gain a solid understanding of the role they play within the lead management module and how they relate to embedded forms.

Every company has an associated website form. When you first created your company you were given a choice of which form to use. You can create, edit, or change the website form at any time. Your website form is composed of fields, these fields align with the fields on your website. For each new field that you create on a website form, it creates a column, similar to a column on a spreadsheet to store values from your website. These columns are able to searched, filtered, sorted, and used in reports throughout the lead management module. It is recommended to reuse the same fields in different forms whenever possible.

The website form associated with your company is the starting point of your embedded form. From the edit form page, you can customize the visibility of the fields as well as the types of fields and their options. The integrations page will allow you to further control the behavior of the embedded form and styling through the use of custom HTML or CSS.

Step by Step Guide


Creating an Embed Code

You will first need to go to the Integrations module in the left-hand navigational menu. Click on Settings, this will expand and provide you further options. Then click on Integrations and you will see a screen similar to the one below.

Click on the EMBED FORM button on the Embed box. This will take you to the Create Embed Code screen

You need to first select the Company you wish to create an embed code key for. Click on the dropdown arrow at the far right hand side of the Company field.

This will present you with a list of all the companies you have setup. Scroll down to the one you want and select it.

With the company selected you will now need to click the Submit button to create a new embed code key.

A dialog box will pop up offering you three options. This is where you choose how the site should respond to the customer once they have completed and submitted your form.

The Redirect URL allows you to the page you would like to send users to have they submit a form, such as a thank you page.

For something more simple, the Success Message will simply display the text you enter here in place of the form when they have submitted it.

You only can add ONE of these options. You must not only complete the field but click on the option you want to use so that you have a blue circle next to it.

If you do not select any of the options, or you skip this part, the system will provide you with a generic “Thank you for Submitting” message.

For the purposes of this support guide, we will use the Success Message.

Finally, for those code gurus out there, you have the option of adding some HTML and CSS to further customize the style of the form.

When you click on the Save button you will then be presented with a Create Embed Code pop up screen. This will have your newly created embed code key and instructions on how to use it.

Click on the Copy Script button will put the script into your system clipboard. It will also display a “Script copied Successfully!” message underneath the script window.

Embedding Code in Site

Now you have created the form and the embed script, you need to add it to your site.


Scroll down the tools in the left hand side until you find the “</> Embed Code” widget. Drag this onto your page. Clicking on it will bring up the Custom HTML options. Select “Edit Custom HTML”, this will enable you to add the embed code you created earlier.

Paste the embed script from your form into the script area and click outside of the box. This will save the editing and connect to the Lead Generated system and fetch the form you created.

Don’t forget to Save or Publish your changes so you don’t lose them.


Click on Pages and select the page you want to embed the form on.

Select the “Text” tab and paste the embed form code into the text field.

Finally Click on the “Save Draft”, “Save as Pending” or “Update” button, depending what state your current page is in development, to make sure you don’t lose the changes.

Click on Preview and you will now be presented with your page displaying the new embedded form.

Connect Clients and Companies

Companies are a central building block within the Lead Generated platform. When you first create a company it will not have many of the associations necessary to take full advantage of our system. One of the first connections you will want to make is the connection between the client and the company. This is a quick and simple process.  Like many things in Lead Generated, there are several ways to do things. You can either assign the client to the company or the company to the client.

Why Connect Clients and Companies

  • Leads get auto-assigned to clients as they arrive or are created.
  • Allows for auto-forwarding of leads to clients.
  • Clients can only see the leads they are assigned to when they log in.
  • Allows for automated reporting of “Leads by Client” throughout our lead management module.


Assign Company to Client

  1. Settings from the left navigation menu.
  2. Expand companies from within the settings menu on the left navigation menu.
  3. Select All Companies.
  4. Select the Edit button next to the company for which you would like to assign a client.
  5. Click into the “Assign Clients” box and you should see a list of the clients you have created within Lead Generated.
    1. If your client is not listed here, please see the help article on creating new clients. 
  6. Click Update at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.


Assign Client to Company

  1. Settings from the left navigation menu.
  2. Expand Users from within the settings menu on the left navigation menu.
  3. Select All Users.
  4. Select the View button next to the user for which you would like to assign a company.
  5. In the top right corner select the “Edit User” button.
  6. Click the “Companies List” button and click the checkboxes next to the companies you would like to associate with this user.
    1. Note if you do not see your company here than you need to see the help article on creating new companies. 
    2. If you do not have the Assign Companies button, check to make sure the user is not an Admin user as this button will not be visible for admin users. Admin users can see all companies within your account. 
  7. Click Update at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.

Zapier Website Connection

Zapier is a third-party company, that integrates with more than 2,000 different applications and can extend the functionality of Lead Generated in many directions. To get started you must have a Zapier account, you can sign up here:  Zapier works on triggers for events. So the basic is, you create an action or a series of actions that happen when a certain event is triggered, in our case here that will be an email arriving. It’s a very powerful system, you can use conditional logic, make exceptions, do calculations. If you want to do something where there is predictable data there is a good chance that Zapier can automate the process for you.

What is Zapier

While Lead Generated supports integrations with many platforms, we do not support them all. With the help of a Zapier integration, you can bring leads into Lead Generated from any website that is capable of sending an email.

To make this happen we will be using both Zapier and an email parser built into Zapier which you can find here: An email parser is simply a tool that can look at an existing email and understand the format.

Zapier Email Parser

Workflow from Zapier to Lead Generated

  1. Your form submission is forwarded to your custom email box for the associated zap.
  2. Your Zapier email account is constantly listening for new emails and when it receives one it can trigger a zap (a custom action or series of actions from any supported application, like Lead Generated).
  3. Zap is triggered and creates the lead in Lead Generated for the company using the custom settings from your zap.

Step By Step Guide

  1. Before gettings started please watch the Zapier Email Parser video on this page.
  2. Create and log in to your Zapier account:
  3. Create and log in to your Zapier account:
    1. For some reason, these are separate accounts but they work together.
  4. Click the “Create Mailbox” button in the top right corner.
  5. Choose the “skip waiting” link to go to the open up the mailbox settings page.
  6. Change the name of your mailbox to something that will remind you of the purpose of this zap. Make sure this is unique, we recommend adding some random numbers after the mailbox name.
    1. Example: Towing Boston Website 3121
  7. Click the button in the that says “Save Address and Template”.
  8. Copay the email address of the newly created Zapier email address.
    1. Example: [email protected]
  9. Update the form on your website to send the leads to the new email box that you created within Zapier.
    1. Example send form submissions to [email protected]
  10. Send a test lead to Zapier email parser by submitting a form submission as if you were a customer from the public part of your website (not the admin area).
    1. Make sure to identify that this is a test if you have a client receiving these leads directly from your website currently.
  11. Return to Zapier email parser and click the view emails button next to the associated email box.
  12. Click the create template button to create a template for your email according to the email format from your website.
    1. If you have different email formats for other forms on your website you made need to create multiple emails or templates.
  13. Highlight and name the data from the test lead you submitted to create variables that can be used in your Zap.
  14. Click the button that says “Save the address and template”.
  15. Return to Zapier (not Zapier email parser).
  16. Click the “Make A Zap” button.
  17. For the first step type and select Zapier Email Parser.
  18. For the second step type LeadGenerated. If you don’t see it, try using the link below. You may need to accept permission as a part of this process.
    1. Lead Generated Zapier Link
  19. You can use the names that you chose during the Zapier Email Template to customize the Zap to align with your associated company within Lead Generated.

Remove CallSling Integration

Note! Before Removing CallSling Integration

Removing the integration to CallSling is and simple process. Removing the CallSling integration will remove any call data from your account. If you add the integration back into Lead Generated it will only pull in the 200 most recent calls from your account.

Before removing the integration be sure to check if the problem can be fixed by enabling or editing the mapping of your CallSling account. For more information on this process please read this guide: Edit CallSling Mapping

Reasons to Remove CallSling

There are two primary reasons you may want to remove this integration.

  1. First, the obvious one, you are no longer using CallSling.
  2. Another scenario to remove this CallSling integration is if you are experiencing syncing issues with your account. You can remove the connection and then re-add the account. It should not be necessary to remove the integration every time you add a new company to your CallSling account as Lead Generated should automatically pick up the new company.


Steps To Remove CallSling Integration

  1. Expand Settings from the left side navigation.
  2. Select integrations.
  3. Select “Integration Details” from within the CallSling box on the Integrations page.
  4. In the top right corner select the remove integration button and click confirm.

Add a new company

Companies are a central building block within Lead Generated system. The Lead Management and Reputation Management modules both work on a company level. Google My Business or GMB locations have an association with companies as well. There are no charges or credits needed to create companies. Each company can have only one website associated with it. If you are new to Lead Generated creating your first company is a great starting spot.

Step by Step Guide

Opening the New Company Wizard

On the left navigation menu, click to expand the “Settings” item, then “Companies” and select “Add New Company”. This can also be achieved by clicking the “Add New Company” button in the “All Companies” screen.

Adding Company Details

Complete the required fields as recommended below:

  1. Company Name – Enter a name that will help you identify this company. We recommend using some name that will help you associate your company with your website such as variation of URL.
  2. Website URL – Enter the URL or website address for the website associated with the company.
  3. Website Form – This is the form you wish to use within Lead Generated. This allows for the mapping of the fields of your website to fields within Lead Generated. If you have not already created one for your company then select the “Default” form. You can follow the “Add New Website Form” support guide at a later date.
  4. Timezone – Select the timezone for your company. This most likely is the city where your website is located.

Click on the “Submit” button. This will will create the new company in Lead Generated and take you to it’s Dashboard.

Activating Lead Management and Reputation Modules

You will also be presented with a pop-up box telling you the Company was created successfully and asking if you wish to activate additional the Lead Management and Reputation modules.

Lead Generated modules work on a credit basis, so it is up to you if you wish to activate them now or later. You can click on the “View Plans” button to see the associated costs.

To do this later then click on the “No Thanks” button and you will be returned to the company Dashboard.

To activate them now, tick the checkboxes and click the “Activate” button.

You will be presented with “Features Activated Successfully” messagebox. Click “OK” and you will be returned to your new Company Dashboard.

Edit CallSling Mapping

What is CallSling Mapping?

CallSling Mapping is the process of associating the companies within your CallSling account with a company within your Lead Generated account.

When do I need to do this?

Depending on how you created your company within Lead Generated you may not have ever need to do this step. If you skipped the company creation wizard that walks you through the various connections you will need to create the association between CallSling and your Lead Generated company manually.

Steps: Edit CallSling Mapping

  1. Click Settings on the left navigation to expand the menu.
  2. Select Integrations.
  3. Select integration details from the CallSling box on the integrations page.
  4.  In the top right corner select the “Edit Companies Mapping” button.
  5. Use the select box from the right to choose your company within Lead Generated that lines up with the company listed on the left side from your CallSling Account.
  6. Select the “Enabled” checkbox next to the company to enable bringing the calls from your CallSling account.
  7. Click Submit to update the mapping of the companies.


Understanding the Edit Mapping Screen

The list of companies on the left side is the companies that our system has found from your CallSling account.

New CallSling Company

Your company should automatically be listed within your Lead Generated account as our system syncs with CallSling. So as you create new CallSling companies they are added to the list of companies on the left side. For each new company you create within CallSling  you will need to let our system know which Lead Generated company it is associated with.

  1. Find your new company on the list of CallSling companies
  2. On the left side and select the associated company in the select box from the right side.
  3. Check the checkbox next to the company to enable bringing in the calls.
  4. Click the button in the bottom right corner to finalize the connection.

My CallSling Company Is Not Here

If you have created a new company in your CallSling account that is not showing within Lead Generated please contact our support through our ticketing system here: Submit ticket. Alternatively, you may try removing your CallSling integration. Please read this guide before attempting to remove the integration.